SketchTo – The Infinite Kind

The Infinite Kind Blog

The Infinite Kind Blog

Category Archives: SketchTo

SyncSpace and SketchTo Hit the Big Screen

We’re extra excited about today’s updates to SyncSpace and SketchTo! If you’ve got an iPhone 6 or 6+ then you’ll find this update makes great use of the larger screen, turning the phone that you’ve always got with you into an even more usable canvas. It’s perfect for collaborating on ideas with others or just…More »

SketchTo: Sketch & Share Your Ideas, Quickly

Ever found yourself searching for a pencil and paper to sketch out a quick idea or diagram? And then needing to show it to people or keep it for later reference once you’ve finished? SketchTo, a new app from The Infinite Kind, makes keeping track of your ideas effortless. It’s like digitally enhanced paper onto…More »