Uncategorized – The Infinite Kind

The Infinite Kind Blog

The Infinite Kind Blog

Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Release: SyncSpace 6

We’re excited to announce we’ve recently released SyncSpace 6 for iOS – a huge improvement over earlier versions. If you’re new to SyncSpace – it’s the world’s most capable collaborative drawing app. Express and explore visual ideas together, wherever you are. It is an unlimited canvas, shared in real-time over the internet. SyncSpace is a…More »

Moneydance 2017 Beta

Do you enjoy using beta software on your precious financial records? Yes? Well, then we’ve got some news for you! We’re preparing Moneydance 2017 (yes, skipping right over 2016) and are looking for some brave souls to put it through it’s paces before it’s released to the wider world. We’d like it to be used…More »

Online Banking Privacy and Security

Here at The Infinite Kind we respect your privacy. Most financial software these days “phones home” to report information about yourself or your environment. Many apps even upload your online banking log-in information to their, or a third party’s, servers. I’d like to clarify something straight away: Moneydance never sends any financial information, statistics, or…More »

The Edinburgh Finance Hackathon: a list of teams and ideas

At our finance-themed hackathon hosted at the Deloitte office at the beginning of the month we saw 8 teams make it through to the Sunday night presentations.  It’s amazing what a bunch of talented strangers can create in 48hrs when left to their own devices and provided with some mentor support to help guide them when…More »

An Edinburgh weekend of finance & technology – in pictures

What happens when you put people with a diversity of skillsets (programming, design, data, marketing) under one roof to work towards an objective,  turn up the pressure by adding constraints such as time (48hrs) and team size (3-7) and add heat (you’ll be assessed in front of your peers by a select panel of judges)?…More »