The Infinite Kind Press Kit

The Infinite Kind Press Kit

For press inquiries, please contact us via email or phone +44 750 073 0567.

App Moneydance
Home URL
App Icon (click for full size icon)
Platform Mac, Windows, Linux + iOS quick entry app
Price $50.00/£38.00/€43.00 (with free trial that has no feature limitations)
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Summary Moneydance is a complete personal financial management application that includes features such as online banking, online bill payment, investment management, budget tracking, scheduled transactions, check printing, detailed graphs, reports and much more. It comes with a free universal iOS app to sync with your desktop via Dropbox, providing quick entry of transactions while on the go.
Mac App Store
iOS App Store This is a universal (iPhone and iPad) companion app that syncs with the main desktop software
Android This is an Android companion app that syncs with the main desktop software
App SyncSpace for iOS
App Store Link SyncSpace
Home URL
App Icon (click for full size icon)
Platform iOS (universal)
Price Free to download. SyncSpace collaboration requires a subscription of $2.99 USD per month or $24.99 per year and includes a 14 day trial
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Videos Fluffy Concept Video and Apple Collaboration Podcast Demo of SyncSpace v3
Summary SyncSpace lets people express and explore visual ideas together, wherever you are. It is a zoomable drawing canvas that is shared in real time over the Internet. It is a shared whiteboard plus a whole lot more.
App SyncSpace for Android
App Store Link SyncSpace for Android
Home URL
App Icon (click for full size icon)
Platform Android 2.2 and higher
Price Free (currently)
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Summary SyncSpace lets people express and explore visual ideas together, wherever you are. It is a zoomable drawing canvas that can be shared in real time over the net. It is a shared whiteboard plus a whole lot more.
Company Logo click for full size

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