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The Infinite Kind Blog

Author Archives: Sean Reilly

Moneydance 2017.5, Better, Faster, and Stronger at Managing Your Finances

I’m happy to say that Moneydance 2017.5 is now available for download from our site or the Mac App Store! This version includes a bevy of improvements and bug fixes. Here’s the list of changes: Workaround for file load/save window crash on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) Fix issue that duplicated existing transactions after they were…More »

Update: Moneydance 2017.4, desktop and mobile

We’ve had a busy weekend here at The Infinite Kind HQ! All three Moneydance apps (desktop, iOS, and Android) have been updated and pushed to their various distribution channels. You can get the desktop version of Moneydance 2017.4 from the usual place, or get the Android and iPhone/iPad apps from their respective stores. In case…More »

Update: Moneydance 2017.3

We’re excited to announce that Moneydance 2017.3 is now available! With many fixes and improvements, this update makes Moneydance nicer, faster, more efficient, and more reliable than ever before. Here are just a few highlights: Improved computer-to-computer syncing and smoother setup of synced computers. Simply install Moneydance on any computer and select the File->New menu…More »

Sync up with Moneydance 2017

The rumours are true! Moneydance 2017 is available now, packed with improvements that make managing your money easier and faster. As usual Moneydance has fantastic support for online banking & bill payment, credit card & bank account management, budgeting, investing, mobile app syncing and more. This version brings big improvements including the following highlights: Sync…More »

Moneydance 2017 Beta

Do you enjoy using beta software on your precious financial records? Yes? Well, then we’ve got some news for you! We’re preparing Moneydance 2017 (yes, skipping right over 2016) and are looking for some brave souls to put it through it’s paces before it’s released to the wider world. We’d like it to be used…More »