Moneydance 2008r2 – The Infinite Kind

The Infinite Kind Blog

The Infinite Kind Blog

Moneydance 2008r2

After many months in “preview” release mode, the first update to Moneydance 2008 is finally here! This update has a large number of bug fixes and feature improvements, including the following:

  • Added option to store online passwords in the data file when file encryption is enabled
  • Added GTE Cybertrust certificate which is used for new American Express OFX server
  • Added display of cash balance, number of shares and value of shares to investment accounts on home page
  • Fixed automatic entry of new security prices from a non-base-currency investment account
  • Added preference setting to determine date window for potential matches to downloaded transactions
  • Added currency symbols and “(Expenses)” label in cash flow reports
  • Select the account under the cursor when right-clicking in the account or category list
  • Internal URL handler now opens http: and https: URLs in an external browser
  • Added popup display of splits and other information for the transaction under the mouse cursor when holding down the alt key
  • Increased contrast in Net Worth toolbar graph
  • Colors for same data sets in pie and line graphs now match
  • Visual improvements to graphs
  • Updated German, French and Italian translations
  • Filter capital gains report by date. Also display a message instead of a blank report if there were no gains for the selected date range
  • Income/Expenses thermometer graph now avoids jumping down a level when there is only one category in the thermometer if that one category actually has transactions
  • Updated transaction status icons to include an ‘s’ showing whether a transaction is part of a split
  • Setting the correct exchange rate for downloaded transactions that are initially assigned to categories with a different currency
  • Fixed a handful of bugs in the income/expenses graph on the summary screen
  • Fixed bug that prevented elimination of previously matched transactions from download list
  • Fixed NullPointerException error if the OFX authentication window is canceled
  • Capital Gains report now shows correct total line instead of zero
  • Reminders window now refreshes the list of reminders after a reminder has been edited
  • Removed confirmation for changing transaction status using the register’s context menu
  • No longer show non-reinvested dividend transactions in cost basis reports
  • Account balance graph now shows average of end-of-day balances instead of the balance after each and every transaction
  • If an existing transaction in the register has the same FI transaction ID as a downloaded transaction but the amount is incorrect or the date is off by more than 15 days then assume the transaction ID is incorrect and they are different transactions.
  • Fixed alignment of popup calendar when displayed in small windows such as reminder notifications
  • Fixed window layout and behavior when adding an extension that does not have a trusted signature

If you have installed the Moneydance Updater extension you should automatically be notified of the new version, otherwise you can download it here:

As always please let us know if you have any trouble updating. There are many options for getting help on our support page