Moneydance Extensions, pre-2015 - The Infinite Kind

Moneydance Extensions, pre-2015

Note: The extensions below are only for versions of Moneydance prior to 2015. To download extensions for recent versions of Moneydance, see this page.

Balance Predictor

download v17 The Infinite Kind and Friends This extension can be used to predict and graph the balance of an account in Moneydance

CSV Importer

download v16 Milutin Jovanović, Stan Towianski Import transactions from multiple download formats, including: Discover card, VISA, your private bank, etc. You can denote columns such as -Payment-, -Deposit-, date, amount, memo, etc. Your file is tested, giving you a list of all the readers that can handle your file. Importing does matching to skip duplicate entries.

Credit Card Payoff Calculators

download v20 Eric Fialkowski Helps manage creditcard debt, especially to eliminate it.

Detailed Budget Report

download v1 Rolf Lawrenz and Shawn Willden Detailed Budget Report produces a report of Actual Expenses compared to Budget Expenses * Includes a Budget 'ALL' option which includes all transactions for a given period regardless if it is budgeted * Can subtotal by week, month, year * Optionally include subtotalled budgeted and difference amounts * Budgeted amounts are only given in period it is expected to be paid

Find and Replace

download v94 The Infinite Kind and Friends A handy tool for cleaning up or reorganizing your data, and ad hoc reporting.


download v37 Kevin Stembridge Provides a cashflow forecast for multiple accounts.

Import List

download v10 Florian J. Breunig Import List monitors a directory and displays its transaction files in Moneydance's homepage view. From there, the files can be imported into Moneydance. This plugin collects usage data using Google Analytics. See for details.

Investment Profit Calculator

download v4 This extension displays a list of accounts and the securities. You can check the profit/loss made on each stock


download v477 Raging Coders Additional interface to Moneydance's built-in budgets. This extension provides an view of your budget settings, showing multiple months simultaneously.

Moneydance Updater

download v508 The Infinite Kind Checks for updates to Moneydance and notifies you when a new version is available

My Position

download v1 Rolf Lawrenz Stuff you need to know about your finances.

Network Synchronizer

download v32 The Infinite Kind This extension allows Moneydance to sync with the Moneydance iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch app.

Payoff! Debt Calculator

download v200 Dave Wilson Lets you calculate payoff date and interest amounts for all, or just part of your debt.

Python Scripting Interface

download v8 The Infinite Kind and Friends This extension provides a python scripting interface to Moneydance.

Quotes and Exchange Rate Updater

download v82 The Infinite Kind and Friends This is an extension that downloads security prices and exchange rates from Yahoo! and Google

Ratios - important ratios from your finances

download v26 The Infinite Kind and Friends Show a custom list of ratios on your home page. Examples include savings rate, debt-to-income ratio, or debt to assets. For Moneydance 2011 or later.

Security Price Entry

download v1 Songline Software Provides a quicker and easier way to enter recent prices for multiple securities

Text File Importer

download v12 The Infinite Kind and Friends This is an extension that allows you to import formatted text files into Moneydance.