Class Legacy


public abstract class Legacy
extends java.lang.Object
Created by sreilly - 7/27/14 1:01 PM
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • makeBankAccount

      public static Account makeBankAccount​(AccountBook book, java.lang.String accountName, int accountID, CurrencyType currency, java.util.Hashtable accountInfo, java.util.Vector subAccounts, Account parentAccount, long startBalance)
      please use Account object constructor
      Make a bank account using the same API from the original
    • makeIncomeAccount

      public static Account makeIncomeAccount​(AccountBook book, java.lang.String accountName, int accountID, CurrencyType currency, java.util.Hashtable accountInfo, java.util.Vector subAccounts, Account parentAccount)
      please use Account object constructor
      Make an income account using the same API from the original Moneydance
    • makeExpenseAccount

      public static Account makeExpenseAccount​(AccountBook book, java.lang.String accountName, int accountID, CurrencyType currency, java.util.Hashtable accountInfo, java.util.Vector subAccounts, Account parentAccount)
      please use Account object constructor
      Make an expense account using the same API from the original Moneydance
    • makeInvestmentAccount

      public static Account makeInvestmentAccount​(AccountBook book, java.lang.String accountName, int accountID, CurrencyType currency, java.util.Hashtable accountInfo, java.util.Vector subAccounts, Account parentAccount, long startBalance)
      please use Account object constructor
      Make an investment account using the same API from the original Moneydance
    • makeAccount

      public static Account makeAccount​(AccountBook book, java.lang.String accountName, int accountID, Account.AccountType type, CurrencyType currency, java.util.Hashtable accountInfo, java.util.Vector subAccounts, Account parentAccount)
      please use Account object constructor
      Make an account using the same API from the original Moneydance
    • makeAccount

      public static Account makeAccount​(AccountBook book, java.lang.String accountName, int accountID, Account.AccountType type, CurrencyType currency, java.util.Hashtable accountInfo, java.util.Vector subAccounts, Account parentAccount, long startBalance)
      please use Account object constructor
      Make an account using the same API from the original Moneydance
    • makeAccount

      @Deprecated public static Account makeAccount​(AccountBook book, int acctType, java.lang.String name, CurrencyType currency, Account parent)
    • makeAccount

      @Deprecated public static Account makeAccount​(AccountBook book, Account.AccountType acctType, java.lang.String name, CurrencyType currency, Account parent)
    • makeTransactionReminder

      public static Reminder makeTransactionReminder​(AccountBook book, long id, java.lang.String description, long initialDate, long dateAcked, long lastDate, int[] daysOfWeek, int daysOfWeekModifier, int[] daysOfMonth, int everyNDays, boolean everyYear, ParentTxn txn)
    • makeBasicReminder

      public static Reminder makeBasicReminder​(AccountBook book, long id, java.lang.String description, int initialDate, int dateAcked, int lastDate, int[] daysOfWeek, int daysOfWeekModifier, int[] daysOfMonth, int everyNDays, boolean everyYear, java.lang.String memo)
    • makeTransactionReminder

      public static Reminder makeTransactionReminder​(AccountBook book, long id, java.lang.String description, int initialDate, int dateAcked, int lastDate, int[] daysOfWeek, int daysOfWeekModifier, int[] daysOfMonth, int everyNDays, boolean everyYear, ParentTxn txn)
    • makeCurrencyType

      public static CurrencyType makeCurrencyType​(int id, java.lang.String idString, java.lang.String name, double rate, int decimalPlaces, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix, java.lang.String tickerSymbol, int effectiveDate, CurrencyType.Type currencyType, CurrencyTable table)
      Construct a CurrencyType object using the olden wayes.
    • makeCurrencyType

      public static CurrencyType makeCurrencyType​(int id, java.lang.String idString, java.lang.String name, double rate, int decimalPlaces, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix, java.lang.String tickerSymbol, int effectiveDate, int currencyType, CurrencyTable table)
      Construct a CurrencyType object using the olden wayes.
    • loadLegacyOnlineInfo

      public static void loadLegacyOnlineInfo​(AccountBook book, StreamTable info)
    • parseParametersFromURL

      public static com.infinitekind.tiksync.SyncRecord parseParametersFromURL​(java.lang.String urlStr)
    • updateLegacyBudgets

      public static void updateLegacyBudgets​(AccountBook book)
    • updateLegacyReports

      public static void updateLegacyReports​(AccountBook legacyBook)