Moneydance Extensions
Balance Predictor
download v101 The Infinite Kind (with community contributions) This extension attempts to calculate and graph the future balance of an account based on past transactions and scheduled reminders.
CSV Importer
download v1001 Milutin Jovanović, Stan Towianski, updated by Stuart Beesley Import transactions from multiple download formats, including: Discover card, VISA, your private bank, etc. You can denote columns such as -Payment-, -Deposit-, date, amount, memo, etc. Your file is tested, giving you a list of all the readers that can handle your file. Importing does matching to skip duplicate entries.
Custom Balances
download v1056 Stuart Beesley - StuWareSoftSystems This summary page widget shows total balances of selected accounts, securities, and/or categories. You can configure multiple rows, each with different totals, and select the display currency. Expenses can be selected by custom date ranges.
Debt Insights
download v1003 Robert Schmid, updated by Stuart Beesley Tools for Analyzing Credit Card and Loan Accounts together as related Debt Accounts
Extract Data
download v1046 Stuart Beesley - StuWareSoftSystems Extract data to screen/csv. Options incl: 'StockGlance2020' investments, Reminders, Account / Investment txns, Currency History; Attachments...
Find and Replace
download v1218 The Infinite Kind and Friends A handy tool for cleaning up or reorganizing your data and ad hoc reporting.
Import List
download v16 Florian J. Breunig Import List monitors a folder and displays its transaction files in Moneydance's homepage view where you can easily click to import or delete them.
List Future Reminders
download v1032 Stuart Beesley - StuWareSoftSystems Lists future reminders on screen - Allows you to specify how far forward you look....
Money Foresight
download v53 Mahana Road Software Ltd Money Foresight provides tools to forecast your future account balances and review your past spending. See for more details.
download v1016 Raging Coders MoneyPie provides an envelope budgeting interface built atop Moneydance's budgeting system. MoneyPie highlights how your actual spending compares to your budget so you can dynamically adjust and balance your budget
Moneydance Updater
download v510 The Infinite Kind Checks for updates to Moneydance and notifies you when a new version is available
PayPal Importer
download v11 Florian J. Breunig Imports transactions from PayPal Premier or Business accounts into Moneydance.
Quote Loader
download v320821 Mike Bray Loads security prices directly from an online source. This version of the Quote Loader is for Moneydance 2020 and 2021.
Quote Loader
download v321402 Mike Bray Loads security prices directly from an online source
Quotes and Exchange Rates Updater
download v1033 The Infinite Kind and Friends This is an extension that downloads security price quotes and exchange rates from Yahoo and Google
Ratio Calculator
download v1045 The Infinite Kind and Friends Show a custom list of ratios or percentages on your summary page. Examples include savings rate, debt-to-income ratio, or debt to assets
Security Performance Graph
download v1014 Stuart Beesley - StuWareSoftSystems Graphs relative price performance by percentage against selected securities.
Security Price Entry
download v108 The Infinite Kind and Friends Provides a quicker and easier way to enter recent prices for multiple securities
Stock Glance
download v15 James Larus Home page component to display active stock prices.
Text Import
download v103 The Infinite Kind and Friends This is an extension that allows you to import formatted text files into Moneydance.
download v1068 The Infinite Kind (co-authored with Stuart Beesley - StuWareSoftSystems) Infinite Kind support tool: Displays Moneydance settings, diagnoses issues, run fixes, and much more.....To download extensions for versions of Moneydance prior to 2015, see this page.