Moneydance URI Scheme
Functions Accessible via the Moneydance URI Scheme
The following features can be invoked by calling the showURL method of the extension context from within Moneydance:
- http:, https: Invokes system browser, or uses lame built-in MD browser if none is found
- moneydance:fmodule:
:* Calls invoke(String restOfURI) method on the extension with ID. The rest of the URI is passed to the invoke method. - moneydance:setprogress?label=sometext&meter=0.49 Displays some text and an optional progress bar in the Moneydance status field. Parameters: label: the text to display in the status bar. meter: a floating point number between 0 and 1 if a progress bar should be shown.
- moneydance:showabout Shows the Moneydance "about" window
- moneydance:showprefs Shows the preferences
- moneydance:showsearch: Displays the find transactions window
- moneydance:importprompt:?file=/path/to/file/to/import Display the window to import the file identified by the file parameter
- moneydance:importfile:?file=/path/to/file/to/import Import the file identified by the file parameter
- moneydance:editreminders: Show the reminders/calendar window
- moneydance:showupcomingreminders: Show the window that contains the list of upcoming reminders
- moneydance:showgraph:
? Show the graph identified by the given graph or report name. The possible graphs/reports are:, or moneydance:showreport: ?
NetWorthGraph AccountBalanceGraph CurrencyGraph ExpensesGraph IncomeExpenseGraph IncomeGraph MemorizedGraph NetWorthReport AccountBalanceReport RealDetailedCashFlowReport RealCashFlowReport CashFlowReport DetailedCashFlowReport TxnReport BudgetReport MissingChecksReport MemorizedReport CostBasisReport VATReport
Note: The CashFlowReport and DetailedCashFlow report are now called "[Detailed] Income and Expense Report" and the Real[Detailed]CashFlowReport is/are called "[Detailed] Cash Flow Report" in the GUI.
Thevary depending upon the type of report, but they can be discovered by memorizing a report or graph, then exporting your data file to an XML file and searching the XML for the name that you gave to the memorized report or graph. - moneydance:showcoa: Shows the list of accounts in a separate window
- moneydance:showcategories: Shows the list of categories in a separate window
- moneydance:gohome: Go to the home page
- moneydance:showgraphs: or moneydance:showreports: Show the window containing the list of reports and graphs.