Class Account

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Account
extends MoneydanceSyncableItem
The base account class. All types of accounts will subclass this object. This object maintains a list of sub-accounts, as well as the standard attributes associated with an account (name, type, currency, start balance, etc)
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getRootAccount

      public Account getRootAccount()
    • itemWasUpdated

      public void itemWasUpdated()
      Description copied from class: MoneydanceSyncableItem
      This is called after an item is updated by calling itemWasUpdated(SyncRecord). This can occur from the syncing process or from being loaded locally. Override this method to be notified.
      itemWasUpdated in class MoneydanceSyncableItem
    • itemWillSync

      public void itemWillSync()
      Description copied from class: MoneydanceSyncableItem
      This is called just before an item will be stored and/or synced when itemWillSync(SyncRecord) is called. Override this method to be notified or if you'd like to store anything into the info record to be synced.
      itemWillSync in class MoneydanceSyncableItem
    • getSyncItemType

      public final java.lang.String getSyncItemType()
      Description copied from class: MoneydanceSyncableItem
      Subclasses should override this to return a static string identifying their type of object
      Specified by:
      getSyncItemType in interface com.infinitekind.tiksync.SyncableItem
      getSyncItemType in class MoneydanceSyncableItem
    • isLeafNode

      public final boolean isLeafNode()
    • shouldBeIncludedInNetWorth

      public boolean shouldBeIncludedInNetWorth()
      Return whether or not this account should be included in net worth calculations. This is only available as of build 754
    • setIncludeInNetWorth

      public void setIncludeInNetWorth​(boolean includeInNetWorth)
      Set whether or not this account should be included in net worth calculations. This is only available as of build 754
    • getCheckNumTags

      public java.lang.String[] getCheckNumTags​(java.lang.String deflt)
      this is no longer used when populating check numbers popups
      Gets a list of check numbers field strings associated with this account
    • setCheckNumTags

      public void setCheckNumTags​(java.lang.String[] checkTags)
      this is no longer used when populating check numbers popups
      Sets a list of check numbers field strings associated with this account
    • getCheckNumSettings

      public CheckNumSettings getCheckNumSettings()
      Return the check number selection/popup settings for this account. If this account has no specific settings, this returns the global settings which are associated with the root account. If the global account has no settings, this returns null and the default settings should be used.
      Moneydance 2020.0 (1916)
    • getCheckNumSettings

      public CheckNumSettings getCheckNumSettings​(boolean returnDefaultIfNone)
      Return the check number selection/popup settings for this account. If this account has no specific settings, this returns the global settings which are associated with the root account if the returnDefaultIfNone flag is true. If the global account has no settings, this returns null and the default possibly-locale-specific settings should be used.
      Moneydance 2020.1 (1925)
    • setCheckNumSettings

      public void setCheckNumSettings​(CheckNumSettings checkSettings)
      Sets the check number selection options for this account. If you pass null then the check number settings are reset to the default entries.
      Moneydance 2020.0 (1916)
    • setCreationDate

      public void setCreationDate​(long date)
      deprecated as of build 1915. Please consider using setCreationDateInt()
      Sets the date that this account was opened. (this method only available as of build 253)
    • getCreationDate

      public long getCreationDate()
      deprecated as of build 1915. Please use getCreationDateInt() which has been around since 2014
      Gets the date that this account was opened/created (this method only available as of build 253)
    • setCreationDateInt

      public void setCreationDateInt​(int date)
      Set the creation date of this account
      date - the date as an integer value of the form YYYYMMDD
      Moneydance build 1915
    • getCreationDateInt

      public int getCreationDateInt()
      Gets the date that this account was opened/created encoded as an int. If no creation date has been set this will return zero. (this method only available as of build 407)
    • getOFXAccountNumber

      public java.lang.String getOFXAccountNumber()
    • setOFXAccountNumber

      public void setOFXAccountNumber​(java.lang.String str)
    • getOFXAccountKey

      public java.lang.String getOFXAccountKey()
    • setOFXAccountKey

      public void setOFXAccountKey​(java.lang.String str)
    • setOFXAccountType

      public void setOFXAccountType​(java.lang.String str)
    • getOFXAccountType

      public java.lang.String getOFXAccountType()
    • setOFXAccountMsgType

      public void setOFXAccountMsgType​(int msgType)
    • getOFXAccountMsgType

      public int getOFXAccountMsgType()
    • setOFXBillPayBankID

      public void setOFXBillPayBankID​(java.lang.String str)
      Set the icon_bank ID (aka routing number) used for online bill payment
    • getOFXBillPayBankID

      public java.lang.String getOFXBillPayBankID()
      Get the icon_bank ID (aka routing number) used for online bill payment. If no bill payment-specific routing number has been set this will return the regular routing number.
    • setOFXBillPayAccountNumber

      public void setOFXBillPayAccountNumber​(java.lang.String str)
      Set the account number used for online bill payment, if different from the regular account number
    • getOFXBillPayAccountNumber

      public java.lang.String getOFXBillPayAccountNumber()
      Get the account number used for online bill payment. If no bill payment-specific account number has been set this will return the regular account number.
    • setOFXBillPayAccountType

      public void setOFXBillPayAccountType​(java.lang.String str)
      Set the account type used for online bill payment, if different from the regular account type
    • getOFXBillPayAccountType

      public java.lang.String getOFXBillPayAccountType()
      Get the account type used for online bill payment. If no bill payment-specific routing number has been set this will return the regular routing number.
    • getOFXBankID

      public java.lang.String getOFXBankID()
      Bank ID: used or not according to country: BEL Bank code CAN Routing and transit number CHE Clearing number DEU Bankleitzah ESP Entidad FRA Banque GBR Sort code ITA ABI NLD Not used (field contents ignored) USA Routing and transit number
    • setOFXBankID

      public void setOFXBankID​(java.lang.String bankId)
    • getOFXBranchID

      public java.lang.String getOFXBranchID()
    • setOFXBranchID

      public void setOFXBranchID​(java.lang.String branchId)
    • getOFXBrokerID

      public java.lang.String getOFXBrokerID()
    • setOFXBrokerID

      public void setOFXBrokerID​(java.lang.String brokerId)
    • isOnlineBankingCandidate

      public boolean isOnlineBankingCandidate()
      Returns true if it is possible to online-enable this account.
    • isOnlineBillpayCandidate

      public boolean isOnlineBillpayCandidate()
      Returns true if it is possible to online-enable this account.
    • isOnlineEnabled

      public boolean isOnlineEnabled()
      Returns true if this account is configured for online access.
    • canDownloadTxns

      public boolean canDownloadTxns()
      Returns true if transactions can be downloaded for this account
    • getBankingFI

      public OnlineService getBankingFI()
      Get the OFX connection information use for online banking in this account, if any.
    • setBankingFI

      public void setBankingFI​(OnlineService service)
      Set the online banking connection information used for online banking (transaction download, etc) in this account.
    • getBillPayFI

      public OnlineService getBillPayFI()
      Get the OFX connection information use for online bill-payment in this account, if any.
    • setBillPayFI

      public final void setBillPayFI​(OnlineService service)
      Set the online banking connection information used for online banking (transaction download, etc) in this account.
    • getHideOnHomePage

      public final boolean getHideOnHomePage()
    • setHideOnHomePage

      public final void setHideOnHomePage​(boolean hide)
    • getAccountIsInactive

      public final boolean getAccountIsInactive()
      Returns true if the account is no longer in use and should be hidden from account and category selectors as well as the home page.
      build 780
    • getAccountOrParentIsInactive

      public final boolean getAccountOrParentIsInactive()
      Returns true if the account or one of its ancestors is no longer in use and should be hidden from account and category selectors as well as the home page.
      build 780
    • setAccountIsInactive

      public final void setAccountIsInactive​(boolean isInactive)
      Sets whether the account is no longer in use and should be hidden from account and category selectors as well as the home page.
      build 780
    • migrateFromOldDownloadedTxns

      public final OnlineTxnList migrateFromOldDownloadedTxns()
    • getDownloadedTxns

      public final OnlineTxnList getDownloadedTxns()
      Get the current list of downloaded transactions for this
    • downloadedTxnsUpdated

      public void downloadedTxnsUpdated()
    • notifyAccountModified

      public void notifyAccountModified()
      Notify all listeners that the account has been modified.
    • getOnlinePayees

      public OnlinePayeeList getOnlinePayees()
    • setOnlinePayees

      public void setOnlinePayees​(OnlinePayeeList payees)
      Set the list of payees to associate with this account. Note: this shouldn't be used except for when loading data from older versions of Moneydance.
    • getOnlinePayments

      public OnlinePaymentList getOnlinePayments()
    • setOnlinePayments

      public void setOnlinePayments​(OnlinePaymentList payments)
      Set the list of payments to associate with this account. Note: this shouldn't be used except for when loading data from older versions of Moneydance.
    • getComment

      public java.lang.String getComment()
    • setComment

      public void setComment​(java.lang.String comment)
    • getAllAccountNames

      public java.lang.String[] getAllAccountNames()
      Get an array of the account names between the root account and this account. This is basically the accounts names that make up the "path" from the root.
    • getFullAccountName

      public java.lang.String getFullAccountName()
    • adjustStartBalance

      public void adjustStartBalance​(long adjustAmount)
      Adjust the starting balance by the given amount. This will add the given amount to the starting balance.
    • balanceIsNegated

      public final boolean balanceIsNegated()
      indicates whether or not amounts in this account should be negated when displaying to user (will be true for Income accounts)
    • getUserStartBalance

      public final long getUserStartBalance()
    • getUserCurrentBalance

      public final long getUserCurrentBalance()
    • getUserClearedBalance

      public final long getUserClearedBalance()
    • getUserReconcilingBalance

      public final long getUserReconcilingBalance()
    • getUserBalance

      public final long getUserBalance()
    • getUserConfirmedBalance

      public final long getUserConfirmedBalance()
    • getStartBalance

      public final long getStartBalance()
    • getRecursiveStartBalance

      public long getRecursiveStartBalance()
      Gets the starting balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the appropriate exchange rate.
    • getRecursiveUserStartBalance

      public long getRecursiveUserStartBalance()
      Gets the starting balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the appropriate exchange rate. This negates the balance if the account is negated
    • getCurrentBalance

      public final long getCurrentBalance()
    • getRecursiveCurrentBalance

      public final long getRecursiveCurrentBalance()
      Gets the current balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the current exchange rate. Note: This is method only available since build #274
    • getRecursiveUserCurrentBalance

      public long getRecursiveUserCurrentBalance()
      Gets the current balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the appropriate exchange rate. This negates the balance if the account is negated
    • getClearedBalance

      public final long getClearedBalance()
      Return the balance excluding any uncleared or reconciling transactions
    • getConfirmedBalance

      public final long getConfirmedBalance()
      Return the balance excluding any unconfirmed transactions.
    • getRecursiveClearedBalance

      public final long getRecursiveClearedBalance()
      Gets the cleared balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the current exchange rate. Note: This is method only available since build #274
    • getRecursiveUserClearedBalance

      public long getRecursiveUserClearedBalance()
      Gets the cleared balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the appropriate exchange rate. This negates the balance if the account is negated
    • getReconcilingBalance

      public final long getReconcilingBalance()
    • getRecursiveReconcilingBalance

      public final long getRecursiveReconcilingBalance()
      Gets the reconciling balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the current exchange rate. Note: This is method only available since build #274
    • getRecursiveUserReconcilingBalance

      public long getRecursiveUserReconcilingBalance()
      Gets the reconciling balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the appropriate exchange rate. This negates the balance if the account is negated
    • getBalance

      public final long getBalance​(Account.BalanceType balanceType)
      Get the specified kind of balance for this account
      Moneydance 2017.3 build 1614
    • getBalance

      public final long getBalance()
    • getRecursiveBalance

      public final long getRecursiveBalance()
      Gets the balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the current exchange rate. Note: This is method only available since build #274
    • getRecursiveUserBalance

      public long getRecursiveUserBalance()
      Gets the balance for this account and all sub-accounts, converting the currencies of the sub-accounts at the appropriate exchange rate. This negates the balance if the account is negated
    • getUnconfirmedTxnCount

      public int getUnconfirmedTxnCount()
      Get the number of unconfirmed transactions in this account. Adding a balance listener will notify you if this number changes, even if none of the balances change.
    • getTxnCount

      public long getTxnCount()
      Get the number of transactions in this account. Adding a balance listener will notify you if this number changes, even if none of the balances change.
      Moneydance 2019.2 build 1861
    • setStartBalance

      public void setStartBalance​(long newStartBalance)
      Set the initial balance of this account.
    • getCurrencyType

      public final CurrencyType getCurrencyType()
    • setCurrencyType

      public final void setCurrencyType​(CurrencyType newCurrencyType)
      set the currency type. NOTE: This should *not* be changed if there are transactions in this account!!!
    • getAccountName

      public java.lang.String getAccountName()
    • setAccountName

      public void setAccountName​(java.lang.String newAccountName)
    • getAccountType

      public final Account.AccountType getAccountType()
    • setAccountType

      public final void setAccountType​(Account.AccountType newAccountType)
      Set or change the type of this account. Please be very careful with this as the account type determines a lot of behaviour in Moneydance and setting an account to a type that doesn't match the account's transactions or location in the account hierarchy could be bad.
      build 1255
    • getPreferredTwoLines

      public boolean getPreferredTwoLines​(boolean defaultVal)
    • getPreferredSortOrder

      public int getPreferredSortOrder​(int defaultOrder)
    • getPreferredSortAscending

      public boolean getPreferredSortAscending​(boolean defaultVal)
    • setPreferredSortOrder

      public void setPreferredSortOrder​(int newSortOrder)
    • setPreferredSortAscending

      public void setPreferredSortAscending​(boolean ascending)
    • setPreferredTwoLines

      public void setPreferredTwoLines​(boolean twoLines)
    • getParentAtDepth

      public Account getParentAtDepth​(int i)
      Returns the parent (or this account) at the given depth. If the depth (i) is more than the depth of this account or less than zero then it returns null.
      build 1189
    • getDepth

      public final int getDepth()
      Get this accounts depth in the account tree. The root account will have depth 0.
    • getPath

      public final java.util.List<Account> getPath()
      Get an array of the accounts leading up to this account, starting at the RootAccount in position 0.
    • getSubAccountCount

      public final int getSubAccountCount()
      Get the number of sub-accounts in this account.
    • getSubAccounts

      public java.util.List<Account> getSubAccounts​(AcctFilter search)
      Return a list of all accounts under this account matching the given filter. This includes accounts not just direct children but all accounts under this one in the hierarchy.
    • getSubAccount

      public final Account getSubAccount​(int i)
    • indexOf

      public final int indexOf​(Account acct)
    • getSubAccounts

      public final java.util.List<Account> getSubAccounts()
      Return a list of all immediate sub-accounts to this account.
    • getAccountNum

      public final int getAccountNum()
      Please don't use this to identify accounts. It is old and stupid.
      Return the old account number.
    • getAccountByName

      public final Account getAccountByName​(java.lang.String name)
    • _getAccountByName

      protected final Account _getAccountByName​(java.lang.String name)
    • getAccountByName

      public final Account getAccountByName​(java.lang.String name, Account.AccountType acctType)
    • _getAccountByName

      protected final Account _getAccountByName​(java.lang.String name, Account.AccountType acctType)
    • getParentAccount

      public final Account getParentAccount()
    • setParentAccount

      public final void setParentAccount​(Account newParentAccount)
    • getDefaultCategory

      public Account getDefaultCategory()
    • setDefaultCategory

      public void setDefaultCategory​(Account acct)
    • getDefaultTransferAccount

      public Account getDefaultTransferAccount()
    • setDefaultTransferAccount

      public void setDefaultTransferAccount​(Account acct)
    • getNextCheckNumber

      public final int getNextCheckNumber()
      Use a fancy algorithm to calculate the next check number in the most recent series of checks.
    • getNextCheckNumberLong

      public final long getNextCheckNumberLong()
      Use a fancy algorithm to calculate the next check number in the most recent series of checks.
    • getTaxCategory

      public java.lang.String getTaxCategory()
      Get the identifier that indicates which (if any) tax category this account is associated with. (this method is only available as of build 253)
    • setTaxCategory

      public void setTaxCategory​(java.lang.String taxCategory)
      Set an identifier that indicates which (if any) tax category this account is associated with. (this method is only available as of build 253)
    • getIndentedName

      public final java.lang.String getIndentedName()
    • toString

      public java.lang.String toString()
      toString in class java.lang.Object
    • isRegisterAccount

      public final boolean isRegisterAccount()
    • resetDirtyFlags

      protected void resetDirtyFlags()
      set the dirty flag for this account and all sub-accounts to a non-dirty state. If an account is dirty, it means that it has been changed since the last time it was saved.
    • setDirtyFlag

      public void setDirtyFlag()
      set the dirty flag for this account. If an account is dirty, it means that it has been changed since the last time it was saved. This does NOT fire any events that indicate the account was modified. Note: only available since build 260.
    • isDirty

      public final boolean isDirty()
      Returns true if there has been changes to this account or any child accounts that hasn't been saved.
    • ensureAccountStructure

      public void ensureAccountStructure()
      make sure the account structure is correct and that the account's parent knows about it. This should only be called from the syncer or data loader upon the initial load
    • sortAccounts

      public final void sortAccounts()
    • isAncestorOf

      public boolean isAncestorOf​(Account acct)
      Returns true if the given account is equal to this account or if it is a direct or indirect sub-account of this account.
    • isDescendantOf

      public boolean isDescendantOf​(Account acct)
      Returns true if this account is a descendant of the given account. That is, the given account exists above this one in the account hierarchy.
    • dumpAccounts

      public void dumpAccounts()
    • getDefaultAccount

      public final Account getDefaultAccount​(AcctFilter filter, java.lang.String accountIDKey)
      Get the default account that was stored with the given account ID key, presuming the given filter applies to it. If there was no such account or the filter is not matched, return the first account that does match the given filter.
      filter - a filter that the saved account must match
      accountIDKey - a string identifying the setting for a stored account
      Moneydance build 895
    • setDefaultAccount

      public final void setDefaultAccount​(java.lang.String accountIDKey, Account acct)
      Store the given account as the default associated with the given account ID key
      accountIDKey - a string identifying the setting for a stored account
      Moneydance build 895
    • getBankName

      public java.lang.String getBankName()
    • setBankName

      public void setBankName​(java.lang.String str)
    • getBankAccountNumber

      public java.lang.String getBankAccountNumber()
    • setBankAccountNumber

      public void setBankAccountNumber​(java.lang.String str)
    • setDeductible

      public void setDeductible​(boolean deductible)
    • isDeductible

      public boolean isDeductible()
    • setTaxable

      public void setTaxable​(boolean taxable)
    • isTaxable

      public boolean isTaxable()
    • setTaxRelated

      public void setTaxRelated​(boolean taxRelated)
    • isTaxRelated

      public boolean isTaxRelated()
    • getInstitutionName

      public java.lang.String getInstitutionName()
    • setInstitutionName

      public void setInstitutionName​(java.lang.String str)
    • getInvestAccountNumber

      public java.lang.String getInvestAccountNumber()
    • setInvestAccountNumber

      public void setInvestAccountNumber​(java.lang.String str)
    • getAccountDescription

      public java.lang.String getAccountDescription()
    • setAccountDescription

      public void setAccountDescription​(java.lang.String description)
    • getCardNumber

      public java.lang.String getCardNumber()
    • setCardNumber

      public void setCardNumber​(java.lang.String str)
    • getCardExpirationMonth

      public int getCardExpirationMonth()
    • setCardExpirationMonth

      public void setCardExpirationMonth​(int expMonth)
    • getCardExpirationYear

      public int getCardExpirationYear()
    • setCardExpirationYear

      public void setCardExpirationYear​(int expYear)
    • getAPRPercent

      public double getAPRPercent()
    • setAPRPercent

      public void setAPRPercent​(double apr)
    • getAnnualFee

      public long getAnnualFee()
    • setAnnualFee

      public void setAnnualFee​(long annualFee)
    • getCreditLimit

      public long getCreditLimit()
    • setCreditLimit

      public void setCreditLimit​(long limit)
    • getPoints

      public double getPoints()
      Return the percentage of the loan that was added as a fee to the principal
    • setPoints

      public void setPoints​(double points)
      Set the percentage of the loan that was added as a fee to the principal
    • getInitialPrincipal

      public long getInitialPrincipal()
      Get the principal, excluding any transactions within Moneydance, for this loan
      build 569
    • setInitialPrincipal

      public void setInitialPrincipal​(long principalAmt)
      Set the principal, excluding any transactions within Moneydance, for this loan
      build 569
    • setInterestRate

      public void setInterestRate​(double rate)
    • getInterestRate

      public double getInterestRate()
    • setPaymentsPerYear

      public void setPaymentsPerYear​(int pmtsPerYear)
    • getPaymentsPerYear

      public int getPaymentsPerYear()
    • setNumPayments

      public void setNumPayments​(int numPayments)
    • getNumPayments

      public int getNumPayments()
    • getReminder

      public boolean getReminder()
    • setReminder

      public void setReminder​(boolean reminder)
    • checkedInitialTransfer

      public boolean checkedInitialTransfer()
    • setCheckedInitialTransfer

      public void setCheckedInitialTransfer()
    • getInitialTransfer

      public AbstractTxn getInitialTransfer()
      Finds and returns the transaction that represents the initial transfer of funds from this loan account. If there is no initial transfer transaction then this returns null.
    • setInitialTransfer

      public void setInitialTransfer​(AbstractTxn txn)
      Sets the given transaction as the initial transfer for this account. This should only be called if there are not currently any other initial transfers for the account.
    • getEscrow

      public boolean getEscrow()
    • setEscrow

      public void setEscrow​(boolean check)
    • setEscrowPayment

      public void setEscrowPayment​(long escrowPmt)
    • getEscrowPayment

      public long getEscrowPayment()
    • setCalcPmt

      public void setCalcPmt​(boolean calc)
    • getCalcPmt

      public boolean getCalcPmt()
    • setFixedMonthlyPaymentAmount

      public void setFixedMonthlyPaymentAmount​(long mthPmt)
    • getPaymentSchedule

      public PaymentSchedule getPaymentSchedule()
    • getInterestAccount

      public Account getInterestAccount()
    • setInterestAccount

      public void setInterestAccount​(Account acct)
    • getEscrowAccount

      public Account getEscrowAccount()
    • setEscrowAccount

      public void setEscrowAccount​(Account acct)
    • getFixedMonthlyPaymentAmount

      public long getFixedMonthlyPaymentAmount()
    • getInvstCommissionAcct

      public Account getInvstCommissionAcct()
    • getSecurityType

      public SecurityType getSecurityType()
    • setSecurityType

      public void setSecurityType​(SecurityType newSecType)
    • getSecuritySubType

      public java.lang.String getSecuritySubType()
    • setSecuritySubType

      public void setSecuritySubType​(java.lang.String subType)
    • getCurrencyChoice

      public java.lang.String getCurrencyChoice()
      Holds the currency in which this security is to be viewed.
    • setCurrencyChoice

      public void setCurrencyChoice​(java.lang.String curr)
    • getDividend

      public long getDividend()
      Holds the dividend for a particular stock.
    • setDividend

      public void setDividend​(long dividend)
    • getExchange

      public java.lang.String getExchange()
      Holds a string representing the exchange the stock is traded on.
    • setExchange

      public void setExchange​(java.lang.String exchange)
    • getUsesAverageCost

      public boolean getUsesAverageCost()
      Holds method of figuring cost basis: true is avg. cost, false is lot matching
    • setUsesAverageCost

      public void setUsesAverageCost​(boolean method)
      Sets whether or not this security uses the average cost method of determining cost basis.
    • getBroker

      public java.lang.String getBroker()
    • setBroker

      public void setBroker​(java.lang.String str)
    • getBrokerPhone

      public java.lang.String getBrokerPhone()
    • setBrokerPhone

      public void setBrokerPhone​(java.lang.String brokerPhone)
    • getAPR

      public double getAPR()
      Holds coupon/interest rate for bonds, cd's, or interest rates for debt accounts.
    • setAPR

      public void setAPR​(double rate)
    • hasExpiringRate

      public boolean hasExpiringRate()
      Returns whether or not this debt account has an expiring rate (APR).
    • setHasExpiringRate

      public void setHasExpiringRate​(boolean rateExpires)
      Sets whether or not this debt account has an expiring rate (APR).
    • getRateChangeDate

      public int getRateChangeDate()
      Gets the date that a debt account APR changes from it's initial value to it's permanent value. If the rate doesn't change this should return zero.
    • setRateChangeDate

      public void setRateChangeDate​(int newDateInt)
      Sets the permanent APR for a debt account. Set to zero if the rate doesn't change from it's initial value.
    • getPermanentAPR

      public double getPermanentAPR()
      Gets the permanent APR that is in use for this debt account after the rate change date. If the rate doesn't change this should return zero.
    • setPermanentAPR

      public void setPermanentAPR​(double newPermanentRate)
      Sets the permanent APR that should be used for this debt account after the rate change date. If the rate doesn't change this should be set to zero.
    • getDebtPaymentProportion

      public double getDebtPaymentProportion()
      Gets the percentage value (in the range 0-1) for payments made to this (credit card or loan) account. This value is dependent upon this being a debt account and the DebtPaymentSpec that is used for the account.
    • setDebtPaymentProportion

      public void setDebtPaymentProportion​(double newValue)
      Sets the percentage value (in the range 0-1) for payments made to this (credit card or loan) account. This value is dependent upon this being a debt account and the DebtPaymentSpec that is used for the account.
    • getDebtPaymentAmount

      public long getDebtPaymentAmount()
      Gets the value for payments made to this (credit card or loan) account. This value is dependent upon this being a debt account and the DebtPaymentSpec that is used for the account.
    • setDebtPaymentAmount

      public void setDebtPaymentAmount​(long newValue)
      Sets the value for payments made to this (credit card or loan) account. This value is dependent upon this being a debt account and the DebtPaymentSpec that is used for the account.
    • getDebtPaymentSpec

      public Account.DebtPaymentSpec getDebtPaymentSpec()
      Gets the payment plan used to pay off this account if it is a debt account (credit card, loan, etc).
    • setDebtPaymentSpec

      public void setDebtPaymentSpec​(Account.DebtPaymentSpec newSpec)
      Sets the payment plan used to pay off this account if it is a debt account (credit card, loan, etc).
    • getNumYears

      public int getNumYears()
      Holds # of years a CD is held for: zero is 6 months, all other integers represent the number of years.
    • setNumYears

      public void setNumYears​(int yrs)
    • getCompounding

      public CompoundingType getCompounding()
      Returns the compounding period for a CD.
    • setCompounding

      public void setCompounding​(CompoundingType cmp)
      Returns the compounding period for a CD.
    • getFaceValue

      public long getFaceValue()
      Gets the face value of a bond
    • setFaceValue

      public void setFaceValue​(long value)
      Sets the face value of a bond
    • getMaturity

      public long getMaturity()
      Holds the maturity date for a bond as a String
    • setMaturity

      public void setMaturity​(long date)
    • getBondType

      public int getBondType()
      Holds a bond's type as an integer 0 - gov; 1 - municipal; 2 - corp; 3 - zero-coupon
    • setBondType

      public void setBondType​(int type)
    • getPut

      public boolean getPut()
      Holds whether an option is a put or a call true - put; false - call
    • setPut

      public void setPut​(boolean put)
    • getOptionPrice

      public double getOptionPrice()
      Holds the price of an option.
    • setOptionPrice

      public void setOptionPrice​(double price)
    • getStrikePrice

      public long getStrikePrice()
      Holds the strike price of an option
    • setStrikePrice

      public void setStrikePrice​(long strike)
    • getMonth

      public int getMonth()
      Holds the exercise month for the option as an int (0-11) options expire on the 3rd Friday of this month
    • setMonth

      public void setMonth​(int month)
    • compareFullPathToAccount

      public int compareFullPathToAccount​(Account account)
      Compare the full path of this account to the full path of the given account
      build 781
    • compareToAccount

      public int compareToAccount​(Account acct)
      Return an integer indicating whether this account is less than, equal to, or greater than the given account when sorting by type, name, and ID. This method was added in build 600 (Moneydance 2008)
    • makeAccount

      public static Account makeAccount​(AccountBook accountBook, Account.AccountType accountType, Account parent)